在科技會議 UBS Global Technology Summit 中,Larson-Green 談及 Windows 的未來大計時表示:「We have the Windows Phone OS. We have Windows RT and we have full Windows. We're not going to have three. We do think there's a world where there is a more mobile operating system that doesn't have the risks to battery life, or the risks to security. But, it also comes at the cost of flexibility. So we believe in that vision and that direction and we're continuing down that path.」

曾經盛傳是 Microsoft CEO 繼任人選的 Larson-Green 明確指出,Microsoft 不需要 3 個系統,究竟是指會將 3 個系統整合為一,好像 Ubuntu 一樣;還是如坊間傳言,將 Windows Phone和 RT 合併,然後跟 Windows 在流動產品和電腦兩邊分途出擊。無論如何,Larson-Green 已經明示了 Windows RT 短命的命運。另外,會上她亦提及 Microsoft 在硬件上將會有一些非常興奮的事情會在明年出現,但就沒有透露更多細節。