新版本「You Have Two Cows」!一幅圖準確指出不同攝影師生態!

Eddie 2015-08-15 15:08 | 攝影技巧
最近 Facebook 流傳一批相片關於「You Have Two Cows」,講如果你有兩隻牛,在不同的社會情況下會點樣。估唔到已經有人整左攝影師版本的 「You Have Two Cows」,關於新聞攝影師、街頭攝影師、婚體攝影師等,如果有兩隻牛,佢地又會點拍攝,你又係邊一類人?




You have two cows. Photojournalists will wait till your neighbour kills one of the cows before they take a picture.

• 街頭攝影師:如果有兩頭牛,他會等生下更牛去填滿空間,加強層次再拍攝

You have two cows. Street photographers will wait till the cows mate and produce more cows to layer the frame before they take a picture.


You have two cows. Wedding photographers will take a picture just before the cows mate.

• 沙龍攝影師:如果有兩頭牛,他會等陽光去到牛後面才拍攝(是要取逆光、髮絲光嗎?)

You have two cows. Salon photographers will wait till the sun sets behind the cows before they take a picture.

• 概念攝影師:如果有兩頭牛,他會等牛排泄後拍攝它的排泄物iconiconicon

You have two cows. Conceptual photographers will wait till nature calls and take a picture of the cows’ dung.

• Instagram 攝影師:如果有兩頭牛,他會等鄰居將他們煎做牛排,再拍攝(典形的 Food Porn)

You have two cows. Instagram photographers will wait till your neighbour makes steak from the cow he killed before they take a picture.


You have two cows. Commercial photographers will wait for the budget before they even look at the cows.


You have two cows. Fashion photographers will recommend two horses instead because the cows are too fat.


