Nokia 設計師與網友在 Twitter 對話 精選對答

Keith Yim 2010-12-01 16:42 | 其他作業系統
在 30/11,負責 Nokia C7 及 C6-01 的設計家,開放了 Twitter 頻道,跟網友對話,他們對兩部手機的設計、Symbian 系統、手機拍攝都有一番見解。ePrice 收到當日對話的精華對答,大家可以看看 Nokia 點樣睇自己的智能手機,有乜 Comment,歡迎大家回應呀。

▲ Nokia 的Niilo, Tomas and Iain 在 30 /11 在網上與綏友用 twitter 對話

與Nokia C7 & C6-01相關問題:
Q)  為什麼Nokia C7和C6要採用全幅對焦,而非自動對焦?

Q)  Why do you use full focus camera on Nokia C7 & C6, not auto focus?
With full focus, you only need to press the capture key without the need to wait for autofocus, leading to fast capture times.
Q) Nokia C6-01C7有哪些獨一無二的功能?
Q) What is unique feature in Nokia C6-01 and C7 that we can't find in other products?
à I think it's a combination of things: materials, form, look& feel and true Nokia identity.
Q) 我只想知道 Nokia C7 C6 真的支援 SWYPE 輸入法嗎?

Q) Just want to ask is that true Nokia C7 & C6-01 support SWYPE?
Both devices support SWYPE.
Q) 既然只能用USB充電,為何還要在旁邊設置充電插口?
Nokia C7C6可以利用直流電插口,或透過USB連結個人電腦充電。

Q) What is the reason giving charging point to side while it can be done only by USB?
Both the Nokia C7 and C6 can be charged with either a DC jack or Nokia charger, or a micro USB connected to a PC
Q)Nokia C7 C6-01 試圖達成甚麼新設計目標?它們和N8iPhone以及Android等產品又有什麼不同?

Q) What is the new design of C7 & C6-01 trying to achieve? How it compare to N8 and products like iPhone & Android?
Nokia has always designed for people from all walks of life, so our devices all look and feel different, but still very Nokia.
Q) 就設計而言,你認為C7有哪一點能夠帶給消費者驚喜?

Q) In terms of Design, what point do you think C7 amazes consumers?
Organic lines, dynamic surfaces and the way the light and shadows are playing with every detail of the devices.
Q) Nokia C7是否內建NFC功能?軟體升級後能發揮功能嗎? 
Nokia C7的確有內建NFC晶片。日後可以透過軟體升級,支援NFC功能。

Q) Why is there NFC built into the C7? Will it be used for something with SW-update? 
Yes, the Nokia C7 includes NFC chip. The software can later be upgraded to support NFC functionality.
Q) Nokia C7靠近選單鍵的小洞有何作用?

Q) What is the idea behind a small dot cut near menu button Nokia C7?
It's a microphone.
Q)  就純觸控手機而言,為什麼Nokia C6-01要做成這麼厚?
我們已將Nokia C6-01的整體尺寸最佳化,兼顧小型化和優質人體工學。

 For a pure touchscreen phone why is Nokia C6-01 such a fat phone?
We have optimized the overall size of the C6-01 for a great compact size, and good ergonomics. 
Q)  為什麼8百萬像素相機沒有鏡頭蓋?
為了提升Nokia C6-01的圓滑造型,我們沒有加上鏡頭蓋。

 Why there's no cover for the 8mpix camera?
We didn't include the cover in order to enhance the sleek design of the C6-01.
Q) 就這些手機而言,哪種功能最先進?

Q) What is the most cutting edge feature inside the phones?
For C6-01 are the compact size and the ClearBlack display.
Q) 為什麼Nokia C6-01會這麼重?
我們盡可能多使用不銹鋼材質;不鏽鋼是一種優質、耐用、高級的材質,因此就這個大小而言,你會感到Nokia C6-01比較重。

Nokia C6-01 is pretty heavy, any reason for that?
We used as much stainless steel as possible; it is such a great, durable, premium material, so feels heavy for its size.
Q) 請問不把喇叭放在手機側面,而改成背面的理由?

Q) Any specific reason for placing the loudspeaker at the back of the phone instead of sides?
àWe combined the flash, camera and loudspeaker into one beautiful detail at the back.
Q) 就這兩隻手機而言,你認為哪種功能最先進?

Q) What is the most cutting edge feature inside these phones?
my opinion, the camera algorithms that we use for image processing are the best in the industry. 
Q) 這些設計考量到新環保趨勢嗎?

Q) Any new eco-trends in your designs?
We're always looking to "eco optimize" products, incl. production, logistics, materials, etc. It's about more than just design.

Q) 目前Symbian仍遠落在iOSAndroid之後,諾基亞真的能在硬體方面超越它們嗎?

Q) At this moment, Symbian still way behind iOS & Android, what Nokia can really beat them is the hardware portion?
Yes, we think so. We have a very competitive design portfolio addressing the needs of many different types of people.
Q) 既然諾基亞要持續開發Symbian,究竟Symbian有那些吸引貴公司的特性?

Q) Since you guys are continuing with Symbian, what's the redeeming quality of Symbian that keeps you interested?
Symbian is still the leading smartphone platform and we're improving it all the time for that massive base of users out there.
Q) 貴公司會繼續使用AMOLED螢幕嗎?有採用Super AMOLED螢幕的計劃嗎?

Q) Will you continue with AMOLED displays? Any plans of incorporating Super AMOLED displays?
Yes, we will - and with other great display technologies.
Q) 諾基亞計畫進一步聚焦在觸控式手機上嗎?

Q) Does Nokia plan to be more focus on touchscreen phones?
Touchscreens have an important role to play; however, there will always be people that prefer other forms of interaction. 
Q) 諾基亞如何測試使用者對新硬體設計的接受度?

Q) How does Nokia test user acceptance of new hardware designs?
àWe constantly test our device concepts and designs during the development process. We use focus groups, interviews, etc.
Q) 貴公司是否正在試圖整合各系列的設計?還是設計要視各個手機而定?

Q) Are you trying to unify design of each series? Or does it depend on each phone? 
Our aim is always to make every product feel like a Nokia. And to make devices with designs that appeal to different people.
Q) 既然大家都喜歡鋁製機身,它會在未來的高階設計上扮演多重要的角色?

Q) How big a part will aluminum play in future high end designs considering everyone loves it?
àI love aluminum too! But we select the materials depending on the product and the qualities we want it to communicate.
Q) 其他手機也會採用Gorilla Glass嗎?貴公司還有其他手機會採用類似N8的陽極處理鋁殼嗎?
所有有玻璃螢幕的諾基亞手機都採用Gorilla Glass。我們會根據希望傳達的產品特質,選擇適合的材質。

Q) Will other phones get Gorilla Glass? Also, will you replicate the N8's anodized aluminum body?
All Nokia phones with glass displays are Gorilla Glass. But again, we select materials for the story we want to communicate.
Q) 將來會出現使用3D技術的手機嗎?

Q) Will we ever see a phone with 3D technology?
àWe have a number of exciting new technologies in development!

How does
Nokia think of screens that larger than 4"? Nokia has preferred longer screens than wider, why?
Screen size is important. But keep in mind that the larger the screen is, the more energy it costs and the product becomes bulkier.
Q) 諾基亞手機為何與眾不同?

Q) What makes a Nokia device?
àWe observe, and then we design! This applies to ALL of our products - from the entry level to the high end.

▲ Nokia C7

▲ Nokia C6-01
