iPad Pro (2021)、AirPods 3 要來了? Siri 爆料春季發佈會日期
根據外媒報導,只要對住 iPhone 喚出 Siri,問佢「When is the next Apple Event?」(下個 Apple 發佈會係幾時?),Siri 就會答出「The special event is on Tuesday, April 20, at Apple Park in Cupertino, CA. You can get all the details on Apple.com.」,意思就係會喺 4 月 20 日喺加洲庫比蒂諾嘅 Apple Park 舉行,你可以去 Apple 官網查看所有 Details 咁話喎。
1. iPad Pro (2021)
2. AirTags
3. AirPods 3
4. AirPods Pro 2
5. Apple TV (2021)
來源: MacRumors